Friday, April 13, 2007

Love co-workers, Hate Brokers

So, I've gotta have at least one breakdown a tax season. I'm so delirious by this point in time that I usually laugh things off. Not this. I called this broker at 5:05pm on a friday nite to get tax information after he failed to call me back for two days and this asshole basically says i'm retarded to my face (or my ear rather), why would you ever request information when the client hasn't contacted him first, is telling ME how to do MY job, uses profanity (not towards me but still) and keeps saying other demeaning and criticising things while he gets me the information i need. don't fucking tell me how to do my job asswipe, i don't have patience for your shit. I was pissed off. So I hung up, said asswipe out loud, and started crying. How unprofessional and rude of this fucker to do anybody.

So, I love my work people, they comfort me and buy me cake. Then they're trying to get through their last tax season items and they break out a jug of beer. So they comfort me, give me cake AND feed me beer.

They are the reason I get through my tax season. I freaking love them.


Blogger Kevin and Nina said...


10:58 PM  
Blogger beejis said...

Good question. I hear you went to Hawaii, what's up?

9:26 AM  
Blogger whidbey76 said...


3:33 PM  

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