Monday, April 24, 2006

Honestly, who vacuums their lawn?

So i get home from work today to find my landlord vacuuming the courtyard lawn. I am so confused. What does this do? Am I the only one who finds this bizarre? Crazy potsmoking landlord...

So yesterdays race went extremely well. Granted I'm still a little sore today but I seriously was expecting not to be able to walk. The La Jolla Half Marathon's course is absolutely if you enjoy running at all....that is the course to do.

Events of the day:

Before the race I thought I was going to vomit. I must have been extremely nervous because I thought i wasnt prepared. It felt like the old soccer days when i used to get nervous before a really big game.

Jenny and I stayed the night at our friend's house who lived literally 2 minutes from the start of the race. Good ol Joan. So she dropped us off in the morning. Jenny and I were in our trashbags, as usual. While waiting in line for the gross port-o-potties I see a glimpse of a blue USD soccer shirt. I'm like, wtf? wait.....MC!!!!! So random and unexpected. I yell to her and we chat and whatnot. I really love that girl.

So Jenny and i then line up for the start of the race. We were kinda afraid for the national anthem because last time there was the atrotious operatic woman who had no idea she sounded like some animal dying. To our surprise, the man who sang it did a very good job.

Our race starts....jenny and i kept a pretty constant pace the entire time. I cannot emphasize enough how beautiful the course is. Even though I wasn't as prepared as I could have been...jenny and i were passing people on the mile long hill between mile 5 and 6. I love hills. How disgusting is that?

So there were these two guys in hawaiian shirts and lays (hmm...i dont know if i've ever seen that word written that even the right spelling?) and they were talking up a storm with everyone, so of course jenny and i start up a conversation. the one guy tells us that his buddy is going to propose to a girl ahead of us right before the finish line and she has no idea that he was even running the race. so the two guys were running about 100 feet behind her. the friend was there to videotape the whole thing. how fucking awesome and creative is that!? so cute. i give mad props to that guy. so he told us to say aloha monica when we ran past her because the two were soon moving to hawaii. so we did...and then we picked up the pace so the girl wouldn't be like, wtf?

So jenny and i finished at about a 10:25 minute pace, which considering my fat ass didn't work out during the last half of tax season, i'd say that's pretty damn good. yay us!

after the race there was a beer garden...and the beer was free....and jenny got drunk in 2 seconds and it was hilarious. joan and anthony watched us finish so they joined us in the beer garden and we all chatted and took cute pictures and yadda yadda yadda.

then joan, j and i went to mission mission....and ate everything in sight. and i was content.

then i napped forever.

ate baja.

watched monty python and the holy grail.

had the boy give me a massage.

and went to bed.

what a glorious day. =)


Blogger Erica said...

your landlord IS really strange

12:44 PM  
Blogger Jennystopmakingmecookies said... everytime i say "the mission" no one ever know what the hell i am talking about. so bite me brad. you know i would never be like will. (no offense holly)

6:05 PM  

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