Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Truly a fatass in another life

...or maybe i am one. Members of my working community as well as my roommate have decided to join me in a veryfew-sweets diet.

Able to eat/drink:
sugar-free hot chocolate
happy coffee (mocha...but being that i'm giving up coffee for tax season that doesn't really help me)
frozen yogurt with no toppings
diet coke

Unable to eat:
ice cream
chick drinks (according to brian, this is fruity cocktail drinks)

any other type of dessert

Some may say this is for lent...but it's definitely not. This is so I am able to fit in a bathing suit in May. yay hawaii!!!

Oh, so the reason I was truly a fat kid in another life is because my diet starts tomorrow and raylene convinces (yeah right) me that i should get cheesecake and live up my last day of eating whatever i want. so i did...and now i feel like a cow. ug.


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