Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My life the past two weeks

1. Got a cd player installed in my ghetto acura. Good: finally new speakers that don't rattle and i can happily listen to Tori when i drive. Bad: the cool button right next to my steering wheel that i used to change the radio stations, does not work with my new radio. so very tragic.

2. Jenny and I checked out the lovely dive bars that Point Loma has to offer. Good shit man. Love the walking distance part.

3. I realized there are far too many military men in this city and I really don't like any of them. They just end up pissing me off. In fact, one guy who hit on jenny on saturday asked me why i don't like military men. without hesitation, "because they fuck everything in sight." he did call jenny the next day so maybe he's different from the rest...but i still doubt it.

4. i bought a plane ticket out to see kevin. don't really know why i did this being i think kevin is a punk and it doesn't seem like there's much to do in texas. oh well...i'm actually really excited to go out there.

5. I bought new running shoes. definite highlight of my day.

6. i got sick last week. that fucking sucked. but i'm over it now so that's good.

7. I actually met a guy i'm interested in...which hasn't happened in, well, forever. he's a nice guy. i call him pepper...just not to his face. =)

8. i updated my pictures on update i mean i actually put pictures on there.

9. i found chris austin on myspace. he was my high school crush. and by high school crush i mean i had a crush on him all four years. so cute. loved that guy.

10. my marathon is in a week and a half and i'm getting super excited but really nervous as well. it's like preparing for a huge soccer game only really not. =)


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