Monday, November 21, 2005

Birthday weekend

10. Cleaned my room, thoroughly.

9. Cleaned my apartment, not so thoroughly but good enough.

8. Went to gus' and had a diet coke. enjoyed my diet coke while showing my sis and her boy my work.

7. Had mexican food with good friends. Quote of the night:
"Girls are so shallow." ~Brad

6. Wore really bright turquoise shirt and gaudy turqouise earrings because it was MY effing birthday and i can.

5. Jumped on andrew when he surprised me in sd.

4. drank and danced the night away. i'm pretty sure my boob popped out on the car ride home. stupid but wonderful low cut shirt.

3. got super bitter when katy and her boy slept in my bed, jenny and her boy were in her bed and i was BY MYSELF on the couch. dammit it was my birthday. where the hell is my makeout buddy!?

2. watched star wars while cuddling with a pillow that has return of the jedi on it.

And last but not least.....

1. Nick is NOT gay.


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