Monday, November 28, 2005

No friends like those in T.O.

I think Kevin was right in saying there is something in the drinking water in T.O. We are just so weird. J finally opened his mouth and talked, what a nice boy. Yanyi continued to drink and vomit everywhere. Kyle, Greg, and Jon still spout out the most random funny ish. And Steph still passes out early. Haha, I guess some things just never change. Except for the fact J talked to me. Well crap, once again I make no sense.

Home was good...i watched a lot of movies. In fact, I watched a lot of OLD movies, like 50's and 60's and stuff. They are so good. No sex, no blood and guts everywhere. Just suggestive stuff. I miss those kinds of innocent movies. Notice how the re-makes of old movies just suck balls, well most of them anyway. They put all the contemporary stuff in it and it SUCKS. ARG. This really annoys me.

So I just remembered that there is outdoor ice skating at Horton plaza and I really want to go. Random sidenote.

I listened to high school choir music on my drive back to san diego. I am so weird. I started crying when i heard my best friends singing their solos and whatnot. My friends kick ass. I tried to sing along but realized I am not talented like my friends and couldn't sing a solo to save my life. Jealous much? Yes, that is correct.

I'm excited to decorate for Christmas. I brought home all of my christmas socks and christmas stuffed animals. so excited right now. Ok, I've wasted enough time at work. hmm...wasted. I could really go for a beer. HAHAHA. Alright i'm done.


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