Saturday, March 24, 2007


And my day started out so good too.

I woke up, ate breakfast, got a massage, laid by the pool, ate baja...

Now I'm at work....which i don't mind.

What I DO mind is that my jackass soccer coach didn't call me to tell me that there was an alumni game....TODAY.

you fucker. all this coach does is screw me over. no full ride after starting every game in 4 years at college and now this. i love playing and i love the girls i play with AND i give money to the program which is all he cares about anyway. you fucker. i am so goddamn pissed right now.

granted, i do take some of the blame because my parents got an invitation to the fundraiser that they hold after the alumni game. but hello! what if my parents moved? my coach fucking has my cellphone number AND email....wouldn't you think it weird that I wouldn't respond? pick up your phone and give me a fucking phone call like you did the past two years. asswipe.

i am so fucking pissed.

Friday, March 23, 2007

May 22

I'm looking for ANYONE who has a birthday on this day. That way I can have four months in a row with my friends' birthdays on the 22nd. Come on here people, help me out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Serious Illness

I have an obsession disorder...I see something I like and I can't stop thinking about it. For instance, the first thing that happens when I came into work this morning was i watched the trailed for shrek the third. i got super happy. when i told raylene that i watched the trailer, she told me the one for pirates came out. omg. i flipped and watched it immediately. now, it's all i can think about. 67 days and counting...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Seven, For all mankind

I can't turn back. I am a snob and I will probably not buy another pair of jeans that aren't sevens. They're fabulous, in every way shape and form. I blame (thank?) rose. she introduced me. and i just hung out with holly, who was also wearing them. they are just too fabulous for words.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Whore in the working environment

I'm so embarassed. I just bought some new dresses for work and I was really excited to wear them. I put one on this morning and on my way to work I realized that the dress might be cut a little too low for work. I didn't want to cover my front with my sweater becuase that's the cutest part. (No, not my boobs hanging out but the way my dress is cut.) Well, that's okay I'll just keep adjusting myself if the dress gets too low.

So after lunch, raylene looks over my cubicle wall and says, yeah i can kinda see down your dress.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Conformity, gotta love it

And now dear joan has joined us bloggers in writing about random things....

that's ten O's.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Everybody needs it.

For instance, this is what raylene and i did for our work. we made of those chains/links made out of construction paper and you cut off a ring every day until you get to the final day. we made one for tax season...and we got an incredible reaction from the my fellow co-workers.

My friend from work is determined to run the rock n roll marathon this year. this poses a problem because of the long hours we're required to work and the lack of time to run. this girl has been on raylene to pass the cpa exam...telling her to study, setting up a schedule, and so on. she would probably do the same with me if she knew that i wasn't going to tell her to shut the fuck up. SO, in return, i have decided to be the person who gets on her ass if she doesn't run. and in the meantime i'm running with her. still gotta fit in a bathing suit in 2 months. (holy shit joan, two months.)

anyway, we decided to take a work break today and go for a run. it was one of those evenings that takes your breath away. beginning to describe it wouldn't do it justice...however i'm going to try. there are so many reasons why san diego is amazing but i think my favorite times in sd have been while running. the sunset was gorgeous, the harbor water was a pearl color with a tint of blue, and i was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and was fine temperature-wise.

it's a good thing i have these moments in life where you just appreciate everything. i may be working a crapton and have no social life, but it's ok. i'm a happy camper.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What am I, five?

Alright, so tax season makes me a little loopy but I have to tell you what i did on sunday.

I woke up, watched Running With Scissors with joan and christine. interesting movie to say the least.

Did laundry, worked, blah blah blah.

THEN, I went to target to do a little shopping. I've been kinda on the sadder side lately, you know that whole thing where i feel sorry for myself.

anyway, I walked down the easter aisle and i see this large, fluffy sheep stuffed animal. i started laughing hysterically. honestly, who is going to want a sheep over some bunny or dog or something? so i go to the sheep, pick it up, start hugging it (all the time with a huge smile on my face), and then this little girl down the hall taps her mom and says, that's the sheep i got for my friend (while pointing at me). and that was it. the sheep had to be bought.

so instead of putting the sheep in the cart with the rest of my purchases, i'm hugging it walking around target. please try and picture this because i'm giggling just thinking about it. it was fucking fabulous and i can't tell you how happy it made me.

And then in my little kid mode i watched the lion king and aladdin. what a glorious day.