Monday, April 24, 2006

Honestly, who vacuums their lawn?

So i get home from work today to find my landlord vacuuming the courtyard lawn. I am so confused. What does this do? Am I the only one who finds this bizarre? Crazy potsmoking landlord...

So yesterdays race went extremely well. Granted I'm still a little sore today but I seriously was expecting not to be able to walk. The La Jolla Half Marathon's course is absolutely if you enjoy running at all....that is the course to do.

Events of the day:

Before the race I thought I was going to vomit. I must have been extremely nervous because I thought i wasnt prepared. It felt like the old soccer days when i used to get nervous before a really big game.

Jenny and I stayed the night at our friend's house who lived literally 2 minutes from the start of the race. Good ol Joan. So she dropped us off in the morning. Jenny and I were in our trashbags, as usual. While waiting in line for the gross port-o-potties I see a glimpse of a blue USD soccer shirt. I'm like, wtf? wait.....MC!!!!! So random and unexpected. I yell to her and we chat and whatnot. I really love that girl.

So Jenny and i then line up for the start of the race. We were kinda afraid for the national anthem because last time there was the atrotious operatic woman who had no idea she sounded like some animal dying. To our surprise, the man who sang it did a very good job.

Our race starts....jenny and i kept a pretty constant pace the entire time. I cannot emphasize enough how beautiful the course is. Even though I wasn't as prepared as I could have been...jenny and i were passing people on the mile long hill between mile 5 and 6. I love hills. How disgusting is that?

So there were these two guys in hawaiian shirts and lays (hmm...i dont know if i've ever seen that word written that even the right spelling?) and they were talking up a storm with everyone, so of course jenny and i start up a conversation. the one guy tells us that his buddy is going to propose to a girl ahead of us right before the finish line and she has no idea that he was even running the race. so the two guys were running about 100 feet behind her. the friend was there to videotape the whole thing. how fucking awesome and creative is that!? so cute. i give mad props to that guy. so he told us to say aloha monica when we ran past her because the two were soon moving to hawaii. so we did...and then we picked up the pace so the girl wouldn't be like, wtf?

So jenny and i finished at about a 10:25 minute pace, which considering my fat ass didn't work out during the last half of tax season, i'd say that's pretty damn good. yay us!

after the race there was a beer garden...and the beer was free....and jenny got drunk in 2 seconds and it was hilarious. joan and anthony watched us finish so they joined us in the beer garden and we all chatted and took cute pictures and yadda yadda yadda.

then joan, j and i went to mission mission....and ate everything in sight. and i was content.

then i napped forever.

ate baja.

watched monty python and the holy grail.

had the boy give me a massage.

and went to bed.

what a glorious day. =)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Geez...there is such a thing as time.

Holy bajesus tax season is over. And there actually is time in the day to do shit. This is seriously a foreign concept to me. Here's the latest random stories...that I remember at least.

TAX DAY, April 17:

Hmm....definitiely used the firm's money and got wasted. You all know how I get when I'm drinking...I love you this, I used to be scared of you that, you're creepy...and so on. I'm a little embarassed that I told the people in the firm that I love them...and that I used to be scared of them...but hey, it's who i am. HAHA, such a nerd. So i proceeded to the mall with a couple coworkers and proceeded to buy the entirety of the mall....well i rather spent a gazillion dollars. Well worth it though. Um, so i was at the W drinking from 1-430pm and then i was at the mall from then to 830. I had consumed FAR too much alcohol. I was a champion though...didn't puke. Also, I was super impressed with my ability to walk in heels the entire day and not eat shit. And my feet didn't hurt...granted the alcohol couldve helped that. So andre comes to pick me up from the mall and we go to this really nice bar with a gorgeous view....unfortunately i was too drunk to really appreciate it. and he fed me more alcohol....jackass. =) and then we went to the grocery store to pick up MORE alcohol and proceeded back to his place where i continued to drink. jesus h. christ. i'm still impressed that i didn't puke everywhere. such a champion.


omgiwasSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhungover. it took me forever to get out of bed. and when i did get out of bed i was completely worthless. i felt really bad...i had the day off from work and andre took it off too to hang out with me....and i was an absolute disaster.

and then i went to get my hair done. holy hell i am fucking blonde. it looks like i'm wearing a joke. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look bad and it for the most part looks natural...but i seriously feel like i'm wearing a wig. yeah...hopefully pictures will come to myspace soon.


so i'm fucked basically. i have a half marathon tomorrow and am i prepared? thats a big hell no. but jenny and i picked up our numbers today and drove around la jolla a little bit. it's really going to be a beautiful run. i am excited....although i'm well aware that i am not going to be able to function after it.

so i totally bought a lot of running clothes today...i was super excited.

I'm going home next weekend. I am so happy to be going home. And my boy is coming with me. I'm so sad though...I found out that none of my close friends are going to be in town....halfway defeats my purpose of bringing him home. oh well....i'm excited to see my parents. theyre so effing funny. crazy people.

so i just talked to kevin and he said to put something clever in my blog. Oh kev, i drove a really fast car this morning. so much fun. on another note....sorry, nothing clever today.

wish me luck tomorrow....i pray to god that i can still walk after it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thai food

My mouth is on thai food is SO effing good. I suggest it to anyone and everyone. 6 more days...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Mixed feelings

So, I'm happy right now cuz I just ate some refreshing strawberries. However, my legs are shaking because what started out as a 4 mile run ended with, "oh we can go another 2." Um, andi has NOT run in a good 3 weeks. Needless to say, i'm kinda tired.

I was happy to rock the tinsel mullet again. I was not happy get my ass kicked at pool.

I was happy to play in my alumni game. i was not happy to get sunburned.

I was happy to see barrera. I was not happy to have to work today.

Alright....3 more hours....

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sophomore year all over again diet has been AMAZING lately. It's like sophomore year when i was a fat bitch. no joke, ask kevin.

I have a new appreciation for easy mac. Now that is amazing. I've been feeding my body shit for the past 3 weeks and it is NOT happy with me. All I'm craving is a banana. And no I'm not craving that hidden meaning kind of banana...perverted fucks.

So my dinner right now is easy mac, cheezits, and cashews. i am so gross.

This made me laugh: I haven't really seen jenny lately. So last night we were chatting and she's like, i've haven't seen you in forever that I've been reading your blog to keep updated. I died I was laughing so hard. I love my jenny.

I'm really nervous...kevin's sending me something in the mail. i don't think he's ever sent anything to me in the mail. and it's actually i'm terrified.

omg...i need a banana.

so apparently i need to be able to run 13.1 miles in two weeks. i am going to get my ass kicked. FUCK. get this, my alumni game is this weekend. i CANNOT wait to see kaitlyn pruett. she is my fucking idol. literally. i'm going to get my ass kicked again.

by the way...nick navarro i miss you and we need to hang out....of course after tax season.

oh another btw, brad i really wanna set you up. but she definitely is in a foreign country right now. so soon enough, we'll all hang out...maybe a little captains quarters action.

Ok, I should probably get back to work. story of my life.

if you want to see drunken andi, call me on april 17th. i will be wasted by 1pm.

solution to headache and too much work: 64oz diet coke, ice cream cookie sandwich, and roses. =)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Dude, so I'm totally into kumquats. They have a funny name which truly makes me giggle. They taste yummy. However, the citrus-ee tang kinda makes my tongue burn. But oh so good.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Colored STAPLES!!! I just had the best morning ever!

Get this, I was searching through boring tax papers...and low and behold I come across a green staple. Green! Honestly, who does that? I was so excited, I went around ro my friends to show them. And now I can't stop thinking about them. I have to have them. They were just so fun and cute. YAY!!

Yeah, so i totally detached it from the packet, taped the staple to my cubicle wall, and restapled the packet with a normal silver staple. I am so not normal.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


1. Work is an effing sauna.

2. I have 8 hours of work left. I blame Andre.

3. I didn't make it to crew classic for the first time in 3 years. tragic. I blame Andre.

4. I didn't go jewelry shopping with Jenny like i said i would. I blame Andre.

5. I didn't get to watch the second episode of the OC last night. I blame Andre.

6.. I have a tummy ache. This I blame Jenny because she made brownies and i HAD to eat, you know, half the batch.

7. I was late meeting my sister for lunch yesterday. I blame Andre.

8. I've had a permanent smile on my face this entire weekend. I blame Andre.

Hmm...that was a little cheesy for me. I'm kinda embarassed. oh well, and I'm back to work...