Sunday, October 30, 2005

Halloween weekend

Went to miguels for dinner with the roomie, roomie's brother, and roomie's bf. good shit. came back and watched love actually. yes, i am a loser.

Ate breakfast at the waffle spot. so delicious.

Went to coronado with some friends. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. The sand there is GOLD. seriously, theres glittery goodness in the sand and i am obsessed. if anyone ever wants to go for a jog or walk there, i am DOWN.

ate cpk with the same friends. free food, always a plus. god i sound like a fatass right now. moving on...

dressed up as cleopatra. if i do say so myself, jenny and i looked pretty effing good. then again i was rather drunk so it is very possible that i was imagining it. we went downtown for erica's bday and had a BLAST. i saw people i hadnt seen in forever and it made me really happy to finally get my ass out in public and dance crazy with old friends. i was also happy because i finally got to see jenny's boy in normal circumstances. i like him.

at the end of the night, i'm thinking i need to go elsewhere, cuz i'm not ready to stop the night so i got dropped off at my old roomie nicoles place. however, she wasnt home yet. i'm sitting on the stairs outside her apartment and her neighbors walk up and look at me like i'm retarded. i don't really know them but they let me sit on their couch until nicole came home. i spent the rest of the night taking care of my dear friend nicole who was vomitting for the first time since age 5. little too much drinky drinky.

woke up. looked like absolute ass. makeup smeared everywhere. the bottom of my feet are pitch black. i forgot to mention at the end of the night i was sick of my heels and took them off. yeah, therefore walking around downtown barefoot. god im retarded. anyway, nicole, joy, and i went for some breakfast. came back and spend a couple hours lying on the beach. another gorgeous day in sd. there werent a lot of people there so it was nice and quiet and relaxing. a perfect sunday day if you ask me. =)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Effing internet

I apologize for writing the same blog internet was being crappy one day and i thought my first blog wasnt published. i apologize for being a complete idiot. thank you.

26 miles aint no thang

1. Ran a marathon in 5 hours and 28 minutes without stopping. And stopping to go pee DOESN'T count.

2. Jenny saw san francisco for the first time that was cool.

3. Bought my first pair of rainbows.

4. Cut my hair and got a mullet. Got my hair cut again and now i just look like a man.

5. Hung out with my old roomie nicole and danced the night away with girls who don't give a shit. always fun. OH, and crammed 6 girls into the back of a two-door honda civic. That took some mad skill.

6. Went to countryfest with people i absolutely adore. Neal McCoy was rather entertaining.

7. Watched dodgeball, the second bridget jones, ate lunch with brad, watched the first bridget jones, ate dinner with crew people, and watched the second bridget jones all in the span of a day.

8. Went for the first run since the marathon yesterday. It was fine except I felt like I had forgotten how to run.

9. Played soccer for the first time in a few weeks yesterday as well. A little rusty to say the least. And we tied because i can't effing score.

10. My lips get cracked and dry with cold weather and now I can't open my mouth without it hurting. stupid cold lips.

11. The only reason I am writing on my blog now is because i just finished watching the second bridget jones, again, and i have nothing to do. jenny better get her ass home soon so we can go run and i won't get fat. haha, i like how i will blame her for my fatness.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Marathon what!

Here's been the past couple weeks:

1. Went to a high school homecoming football game with my sister.

2. Drove through a redwood tree. It's ok, there was a place to drive through. I didn't run into it.

3. Ran a marathon in 5 hours and 28 minutes without stopping. Well, Jenny and I had to pee at one point but I don't count that. Joke of the marathon, we were going through the alphabet saying various things such as movies, foods, etc. and we decided to do movie quotes.

Me: Well this is going to be hard to do in alphabetical order so let's just say random movie quotes.
Jenny: Well i have one to start with for A.
Me: Alright go ahead.
Jenny: Hasta la vista, baby.
Me: Um, jenny dear...that starts with an H.

To say the least, we were a little delirious at that point.

4. Took a week off from running which was was nice and relaxing though.

5. Caught up on old times with my old roomie Nicole. Good times.

6. Went to countryfest. They put on a good show....very entertaining. Later that night I found out how truly good-hearted some people are. Thanks for restoring my faith in know who you are.

7. On sunday, watched Dodgeball, the second bridget jones, went to lunch with brad, watched the first bridget jones, went to sushi with some crew folk, and watched the second bridget jones again. I'm sorry, but life doesn't get much better than that. =)

8. Now I'm at work and I'm rested and ready to go!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My life the past two weeks

1. Got a cd player installed in my ghetto acura. Good: finally new speakers that don't rattle and i can happily listen to Tori when i drive. Bad: the cool button right next to my steering wheel that i used to change the radio stations, does not work with my new radio. so very tragic.

2. Jenny and I checked out the lovely dive bars that Point Loma has to offer. Good shit man. Love the walking distance part.

3. I realized there are far too many military men in this city and I really don't like any of them. They just end up pissing me off. In fact, one guy who hit on jenny on saturday asked me why i don't like military men. without hesitation, "because they fuck everything in sight." he did call jenny the next day so maybe he's different from the rest...but i still doubt it.

4. i bought a plane ticket out to see kevin. don't really know why i did this being i think kevin is a punk and it doesn't seem like there's much to do in texas. oh well...i'm actually really excited to go out there.

5. I bought new running shoes. definite highlight of my day.

6. i got sick last week. that fucking sucked. but i'm over it now so that's good.

7. I actually met a guy i'm interested in...which hasn't happened in, well, forever. he's a nice guy. i call him pepper...just not to his face. =)

8. i updated my pictures on update i mean i actually put pictures on there.

9. i found chris austin on myspace. he was my high school crush. and by high school crush i mean i had a crush on him all four years. so cute. loved that guy.

10. my marathon is in a week and a half and i'm getting super excited but really nervous as well. it's like preparing for a huge soccer game only really not. =)